An interactive, online virtual environment in which residents complete both a verbal and written handoff. Our program then synthesizes the handoffs and compares them to a “gold standard” response. Training takes approximately 45 minutes and can be completed prior to or during orientation.
A software tool that facilitates learning, feedback, and reinforcement through direct observation of handoff sessions. This platform measures residents’ adherence to the mnemonic and the quality of their communications, and can also collect reports of patient harms related to handoffs.
The I-PASS Written Handoff Tool, a critical element of the I-PASS methodology, can be optimized within your existing EHR, providing your teams with a valuable companion document to support verbal handoff.
I-PASS Training
I-PASS Assessment & Improvement
I-PASS Written Handoff Tool
One-Time Setup & Configuration
Our bundle grants access to all three platforms for up to 300 residents and providers.
This graph depicts overall adherence to the I-PASS mnemonic among residents in programs implemented through the I-PASS Institute.
This bar chart depicts the reduction in provider-reported patient harms in residency programs implemented through the I-PASS Institute.
Does your program focus on transitions of care?
Do your residents use a standardized form of communication during handoffs?
Do you measure adherence to this communication method?
Do you measure the impact of this communication method on reductions in patient harm?
Has your written handoff document been adapted by the care area?
Does your written handoff document integrate with your EHR?
Is your program meeting the ACGME Transitions of Care Requirements?
If you responded “No” to any of the above, the I-PASS Patient Safety Institute can support you in answering “Yes”, and becoming ACGME compliant. Our bundle of interventions has been optimized for implementation with residency programs.
VI.E.3.a | Programs must design clinical assignments to optimize transitions in patient care, including their safety, frequency, and structure. (Core) |
VI.E.3.b | Programs, in partnership with their Sponsoring Institutions, must ensure and monitor effective, structured hand-over processes to facilitate both continuity of care and patient safety. (Core) |
VI.E.3.c | Programs must ensure that residents are competent in communicating with team members in the hand-over process.(Outcome) |
Boston, MA 02108